AVC Med offers professional high-quality health care to patients. While the office is located in Peoria, Arizona, the practice serves patients all across the state. The experienced medical providers know that patients prize convenience when it comes to medical care, so they offer comprehensive, personalized care in the places and ways patients need it most.
Virtual visits (telemedicine), in-home visits (house calls), and mobile medical solutions allow patients to avoid the inconvenience of driving to the doctor. This approach of bringing care to the patient also cuts down on wait times and greatly increases patient comfort levels.
Whether patients have a sudden illness, need routine care like vaccinations, or experience multiple chronic conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, AVC Med provides comprehensive care to meet their every need.
The AVC Med providers, from the physicians to the medical assistants and schedulers, work as a team to ensure the continuity of high-quality care for each and every patient.
AVC Med is currently welcoming new patients. To schedule an appointment, call the office or join our community today.