Helping Families in Obtaining Public Benefits for over 20 Years
Lawrence J. Shafer was an Eligibility Interviewer with the State of Arizona, the majority of which was with AHCCCS and the ALTCS program. He has worked and managed in law firms for over eight years, where he continued helping families plan and apply for ALTCS benefits. In 1999, Mr. Shafer Founded Arizona Medicaid Planning Services LLC allowing him to work directly with families in planning for and obtaining ALTCS benefits. With an overall approval rate of over 93 percent (when families have cooperated and fully disclosed information) on ALTCS applications, Mr. Shafer has been able to help save money and reduce the stress of the ALTCS application process for his clients. Mr. Shafer has also been recognized as an expert witness with regard to Medicaid issues in Arizona by the Superior Court of Maricopa County.